Thursday, March 24, 2011

i am blessed

I wasn't going to write tonight and frankly, I don't have a lot to say, but I happened to read the latest blog entry from our nanny, Bethany, and I decided I had to share.  Every parent knows that there is nothing more important than knowing that, in the hours you aren't able to be with your children , they are not just well-taken care of, but loved and cherished (whether its only a few hours every week or so while you go to the store or on a date, or its all day long while you are at work).  We have been so fortunate to always have quality childcare providers, from our parents, to our siblings, to my sisters friends for weekend and nighttime babysitting to the full-time providers we have trusted.  We had an incredible experience with Bracktown Academy, where are children were loved and nurtured and educated.  Now, we are fortunate enough to be in a position to have a full-time nanny.  And I cannot say enough about how incredible she is.  See for yourself -

1 comment:

  1. ...what you didn't tell your readers is what an incredible family you are to work for! thank you for this post! it truly made my day! i, also, am blessed.
