Monday, April 11, 2011

i am disorganized

I crave organization.  Spacious closets and neat drawers.  Clear countertops and floors clear of clutter.  A garage you can park in.  But it isn't natural for me.  I don't know why - clearly, it isn't an inherited gene, disorganization, because my mother's house has a storage bin or a drawer for everything.  She has three drawers in a dresser dedicated solely to her jewelry.  And her garage is like toys r us.  With bins for race tracks, games, action figures and toy kitchen supplies.  I can't even keep all the puzzle or game pieces in one place.

But my mom's house is not what gets to me the most.  It's those ads for organization from places like The Container Store.  Have you ever noticed that they have like three shirts hanging in a closet or one fork in the slots the silverware tray?  My house would be organized also if I only had five pieces of silverware or 2 pairs of pants. 

Seriously, why would I need a shelf if this is all I had to put on it?

Or why would I need a tray if these are all the utensils I had?

Something about these ads is freeing to me.  I realize how ridiculous the standard we set for ourselves is.  Who lives like this??  I'm all about downsizing and simplifying, but I'll take my disorganization any day over the need to meet an iimpossible standard.

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