Monday, March 21, 2011

i am the wife of a vegan

We are on a self-improvement kick in this house.  I am particularly proud of my husband, who has made drastic changes in his life - from eating and drinking habits to workout routine to a commitment to meditation and Bible study.  Most notably, thanks to my habit of dvring (is that a word?) Oprah, about a month ago, he decided to try a "vegan experiment."  The commitment was to eat vegan for one month.  I was supremely irritated by this.  As someone said when I told them about this, "does he know that you are from Somerset, Ky?"  Even our vegetables have meat in them - we boil green beans in country ham for God's sake.  But, I decided I needed a kick in the pants related to health and eating and I really didn't want everyone in the house eating four different meals (we have two boys - 3 and 5 - and we aren't those good parents who make them eat what we eat - but that's another post), so I committed to joining him.  Well, I committed to joining him for meals at home, at least, but after I tried it for a few days, I decided I could do it for a month also.  Knowing all along, of course, that I love meat and would go back to eating it.

It is day 21 and while I have cheated with a little bit of cheese twice, some chocolate candy today and eggs on Sunday morning, I have been quite impressed with my ability to join in this experiment.  And even more impressed with the effect on me - I've eaten things I didn't know I liked (like cucumbers) and I have more energy than I've had in my adult life.  I honestly don't know if I'm going to make it to the end of the month, but this has been a really significant experience.  I discussed it with a friend yesterday and she told me I had inspired her to think about the things she needs to change in her life.  Pretty powerful for an experiment I didn't want to be a part of.

Here's the thing, though, I'm not a vegan.  Just isn't me.  But now, my husband is.  He has been so pleased with the drastic impact it has had on his health (he had a lot more going on health-wise that we now know was diet related) that he has decided to be a vegan.   And I am struggling with how to be supportive.  Because really - it's kind of an inconvenience.  It's hard to eat at people's houses, it's hard to eat at restaurants (particularly in KY) and it's hard to eat at home, with children.  But that's my life now.  I am married to a vegan.  And I'm very proud of him.

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