The recent media coverage of Osama Bin Laden's death has disturbed me maybe even more than it should. I have been shocked, perplexed and saddened by the response of educated, compassionate people who are celebrating the death of a human being. Yes, I said it, human being. An evil human being. A murderous human being. A sick, and twisted, and awful human being. But a human being. And child of God.
I very intentionally am not making this a blog about politics, so I will not opine on war, our president or a particular polictal party. I will not debate whether justice was served or whether we are safer. My opinions on those things might or might not surprise you. I will, however, lament the reaction of Christian people over the loss of life. I will agonize over how to instill in two boys that every single life is precious to God and that God does not love me, or them, more than Osama Bin Laden.
Carl and I have been trying to figure out a way to talk to our five year old about what he might hear or see. It really hits close to home because he has taken an interest (some might say obsession) in Star Wars and when I object that maybe he shouldn't be watching the movies and shows, or others like them, too often because they are too violent, he likes to draw distinctions between the killing or hurting of "bad guys" as opposed to "good guys." It's OK when they are bad guys, according to him. And I often let it go because I don't know how to explain to a five year old that it's not. That human beings should not take the lives of other human beings, . . . but that sometimes its necessary.
Ugh. This has been one of those painful reminders that faith and parenting are both really, really hard.